Friday, April 29, 2011

Red Friday

We support our troups.
Today our class all wore red to say, "we support you!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rodeo Week!!


Next week first graders will be participating in "Reading Rodeo Week." We are going to be reading and learning about cowgirls and cowboys and we will be reading about the rodeo.

  Friday, May 6th dress like a cowgirl or cowboy!!

May Book Order

May book orders are due May 9th.
This will be our last book order before summer vacation.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mark your Calendars

Floats-N- Fun
Thursday, May 26th 
Rain or Shine

Only in MN!!

Recess on April 19th... only in Minnesota!!

Red Shirt Friday

On Friday, April 29th we are encouraging everyone at Hawthorne to wear red to support our troops. Check out the link for more info.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Guest Reader

Today Mrs. Tims was a guest reader in our classroom. She read the book Ginger and Petunia by Patricia Palacco to us. It was written by one of Mrs. Tims' favorite authors! We really enjoyed the book. Thanks Mrs. Tims!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 14th, 2010

This week we have been learning about contractions to use while we are writing. In science we have been learning more about animal habitats.  We are working very hard to have all of our students reading at a level I by the end of first grade. The first graders have been working so hard this year, I have seen GREAT progress in reading.  Remember it's important to keep reading at home every night. Make it a goal to read 20-30 minutes daily! Keep up the great work!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Animal Habitats

In science, we have been learning about animal habitats.  Above are a few pictures of the first graders creating a mural of different habitats like oceans, deserts, rain forests, and wetlands. The students all wrote about their animal habitats too. These are now hanging in the hallway outside our classroom.

Hospital Field Trip!!

We had such a great time at the hospital today. We got to see many different things that go on there. Check out the photos to see some of the things that we did.
 First Miss Hunter chose a mom, a dad, and a patient.

 Shirley taught us about hospital food and ordering from a menu!
We got to see a room in the hospital.

 We sat in an ambulance.

 We checked Jacob's heart beat.
 We learned that the human body has 206 bones!

We had a fun day! We sure learned a lot.